Who Can Obtain a Prescription for Medicinal Cannabis in the UK?

Obtaining a prescription for medicinal cannabis in the UK can be a complex process. In the National Health Service (NHS), decisions to prescribe cannabis-based medicines (CBM) must be the result of a multidisciplinary debate. A general practitioner (GP) cannot order CBMs; they can only be prescribed by a specialist doctor at the hospital. The specialist will recommend that other treatment options are tried before considering a cannabis-based product.

Medical cannabis would only be prescribed when it is considered to be in the patient's best interest and when other treatments haven't worked or aren't adequate. To receive a prescription for medical cannabis, patients must have a qualifying condition and generally must have tried two previously authorized medications for that condition. The process of obtaining a prescription for medical cannabis can be daunting, especially for those who have never medicated with cannabis before. The doctor will discuss medical cannabis treatment options with the patient and, if appropriate, prescribe medical cannabis.

There is some evidence that medical cannabis can relieve certain types of pain, although these tests are not yet strong enough to recommend it for pain relief. Most patients report positive experiences with medical cannabis and many find that they have a better quality of life than before. Once a prescription has been obtained, it can be taken to any pharmacy that sells medical cannabis products in the UK. The PLEA medical cannabis clinic directory can help patients explore available options and find a clinic or doctor that is right for their needs.

It is also possible to complete training through the Society of Medical Cannabis Clinicians and obtain a certificate in Medical Cannabis Explained. In conclusion, obtaining a prescription for medicinal cannabis in the UK requires careful consideration and consultation with an experienced specialist doctor. Patients must have a qualifying condition and generally must have tried two previously authorized medications for that condition before being eligible for medical cannabis treatment.

Emma Matthews
Emma Matthews

Meet Emma, a travel enthusiast from Aukland, now living in Great Britain, on a mission to share the world's wonders. Her blog is your passport to adventure, from London's charming cafes to the Scottish Highlands' rugged trails. Follow her for travel tips, cultural insights, and a dose of wanderlust. Join Emma on her quest to make every journey unforgettable!